the device is analog because they are saying you can eat eat and get free wifi
Friday, August 30, 2013
survey blog
I interview my sister when she was in high school she told me that she always did her homework and her classwork. she always got good grades in her clasess. the only time that she got a f it was in p.e. her goals was to get straights a in all her classes she try to take all the calses that she can so she cant get her creadits. that's is all but is really short.
Outsiders Post
Outsiders Post
My life compared to the outsiders would not be the same because my life is different from theirs. The outsiders have a type of greaser mode and my type is not like them well they have experience rough stuff and I have too but not like them. I have experienced mostly problems but I have over come it because I'm those types that when there's a problem ill fix It well ponyboy passed rough stuff they cut him in the neck probably and I haven't passed to me thank to god so people out there have to take care of each other because its dangerous .
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Rhetorical devices
This writer uses metaphor as a rhetorical device. They influence the audience by making them realize that smoking habits is dangerous and will affect your life. it can also do damage to your lungs and kill you. The message is that dont smoke. Smoking kills.
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Teen advertisement
Rhetorically speaking; Pregnant teens take no responsibility when it comes to practicing safe sex, here I am the Baby you wanted. I need two things statistically, your support and love, both are nice to have aren't they!
✘ my goals for the year ✔ ツ
My goals for the year is too get good grades, participate in classroom activities and my last goal is to do all of my classwork and homework when instructed, for my parents can see me graduate with a brighter future.
Monday, August 26, 2013
In This Ad They Use Pathos As A Device. The Ad Is Telling Us Not To Smoke Around Children Because They Can Get Secong Hand Smoke Or They Can Die By Just Smelling It.This Affects The Reader By Making Them Feel Bad For The Children Who Are Dying Of Second Hand Smoke.
The writer uses statistics. It influences consumers of cigarette because doctors smoke it doctors usually tell you what's bad for you, so this pretty much telling you that it is good to smoke camels.
The writer uses analogy as a rhetorical device. They influence the audience by making them think that the other computer is way better then the other. And making them buy the "company's computer"
The rhetorical device that is being showed in this McDonald's advertisement is an analogy. It shows an analogy because it is comparing one thing to another. It's comparing how it looks on TV in the commercials & what it actually looks at when you buy it. The effect this device has on the reader is that it makes people not want to buy the product because it doesn't look exactly the same how it looks in their advertisement.
In this picture you can see a woman smoking, and smoke that looks like a rope that's tying around her neck. The message to this is how a person who choses to start smoking is already looking to bad lung cancer and mostly death.
So if you start smoking you see ur already killing your self.
People shouldn't smoke because it's bad for you and leads to death and just by smoking one cigarette it gets you addicted to the product where your losing so much money a year just on something that can kill you.
So if you start smoking you see ur already killing your self.
People shouldn't smoke because it's bad for you and leads to death and just by smoking one cigarette it gets you addicted to the product where your losing so much money a year just on something that can kill you.
Looking Back Survey
"Looking Back" Survey
I Interviewed my brother Eden the most important things he had experienced in high school and how he passed the same as me. My brother had to focus and interact with people and teachers he had to work hard to pass high school he said " better suffer now an enjoy the future " now that he graduated from high school he works and get good money. The advice he gave himself is to focus and succeed in life .
My Goal ;)
My goal for this year is to pass and succeed in high school because when I grow up I want to have a good job and good money. This Is Because when in middle school I missed out lots of time so now I have the opportunity to succeed in high school. So know I'm going work hard doesn't matter if its hard or easy I want to have a future .
In this picture it shows a idiom as an rhetorical device because it shows a guy with a split skin.The picture is inspiring the audience because no mater how hard you work you'll split your skin. This is a picture that people can get inspired just by looking at the picture and look at themselves as worriers.
Sunday, August 25, 2013
In this advertisement, they use an Experts Quote. They are used to persuade their opinions of obesity.
An experts Quote is to make the people believe their statement. Just Like Making a point. The Audience will understand the proof that is shown and become more interested. They Will See This Advertisement of these children watching Junk food on Television. The Rhetorical device is showing us how obesity starts. "Kids shouldnt be targeted by junk food."
Advertisement ~Francisco Velazquez
The rhetorical device that this advertisement uses is an allusion. They influence the audience by making them think that if they buy this product, they will perform like the football player used in this ad. This persuades the audience to buy the product. (An allusion is a figure of speech that makes a reference to a place, person, or something that happened.)
Saturday, August 24, 2013
In this advertisement the rhetorical device that they are using is ethos. Ethos compares to the person who is in this position having to provide for the child and if the single mother is ready to take of her by herself without the father. Will the mom be able to give her what she needs or would she give her up ? What would happen to the baby ? There's a slight chance that the father won't stay to provide for both of them. If the mom is by herself she would have to work double and hardly see her baby.
This advertisement use a Rhetorical Device call Generalizations, which state something like "Everyone thinks...". So everyone thinks not only they will buy it because it's against bullying, but One Direction and Office Depot is against it also and they would like people buying the products to support it. This influence the audience by making them buy the products and be against bullying by using One Direction. Because of One Direction and Office Depot against bullying, it makes me want to buy these products they're selling.
Advertisement Analysis
In this advertisement, Rhetorical Questions and Analogies are used in persuading the audience to purchase their product. Rhetorical question is a question that is asked to make a point and analogy is comparing two things. The effects of these two rhetorical devices on the audience are they'll get curious about the secrecy of speed and they'll think that if they wear Nike, then they'll feel comfortable in running and they'll run faster.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
goals for a succcessful future c:
One goal of becoming a successful person, is to gat better grades in school, and be a better person. My first plan is to start doing more homework and pay more attention in class. My second plan is to pay more attention in school and take more challenges and risks. My third plan is to, ask more questions about the subject or the lesson I didn't understood. c:
My Goal
My Goal In School Is To Get Only As & Bs. In Eight Grade I Would Always Miss School For No Reason. I Would Always Miss Out On The Lessons. I Wouldn't Pay Attention On Some Of My Classes. But For This Year Its Be Different. I Am Gunna Be Here In School. Paying Attention More In All Of My Classes. Putting More Effort In My Classes
Goal -Erick Dominguez
One goal that I have set for myself would be to graduate high school. I plan to achieve this goal by getting good grades. If it possible I would try to get straight A's and have a 4.0 GPA. I would also do the necessary work I get assigned. The last thing I would do to achieve my goal is attend school everyday and try my best to never come late.
My Goal -Carlos Alvarado ✌
One of my goals is to get good grades this year and start paying attention to my teachers so that I can be successful & get a good career so I can graduate from school to my parents proud (': .
Jasmine's Goals(:
My goal for this high school year is going to be working hard and completing my work. Although, I also need some practice so I'm going to review my notes or work that I don't really get. I want to become successful and be someone in life like my sister. I want to be able to be known as that smart girl that did all her work and understood things. If it helps I could stay after school to get the extra help. My second goal for this year is to be a little bit more confident with myself and stop getting intimated by people so much, I don't like the fact that no matter where I'm at people don't seem to know my name and one of the reasons is because I'm always been the quiet girl that never asks questions during class or sits and listens to the teacher talk. Yes, it could be very nice at times but whenever I don't get something I just stay quiet and try to figure it out by myself and that's not good. Ever since I was little I've been shy and that's why I want to change I want to become confident at least for once. I'm just tired of being invisible but somehow it's my fault too because I don't interact with other people. I believe I should start talking to more people because that's going to get me to step out of my bubble. So those are my goals for this year and hopefully forever.
Julio's # Goal.
Goal # 1 : Finish My A Through G Requirments .
Action Plans - How Will You Achieve This Goal.
1. Join all the classes necessary to complete those specific requierments.
2. Have time to do the community service.
3. Be committed to do them for my family and also for myself and my future.
Comparing the Outsiders to my life
My life compared to the book "The Outsiders" can relate because I have cousins that were and some are still in gangs, in my personal opinion I don't think gangs are a nice thing to play around with just because once you get in one there's no way out it's either you stay or you die I mean that's my perspective of gangs. Another thing is that Pony boy's parents were killed in a car crash that's another thing I can relate kind of, see my parents didn't die in a car crash but somehow is similar since it talks about death. My mom passed away 5 years ago well because she had diabetes and she refused to go to the doctor, in the other hand my dad is still alive and whenever I go visit him I think to myself "I'm glad my dad is alive because at least I can feel like I haven't lost both of my parents" and to be honest I don't see my dad that much but I still love him a lot there's no day that I forget how much I love him and how important he is. Anyways, like pony boy lives with his brothers I can relate to that too except I don't live with my brothers I live with my sister and honestly she has done everything she can to keep us united just like soda pop sticks up to pony boy so does my sister. Just to think that a 23 year old girl has done everything to keep her little sister to get to eat and the change to go to school takes a lot of effort.
Well there's my comparing to the book "The Outsiders"
Monday, August 19, 2013
My Three Goals
My First goal that I will try to make in high school is getting my grades up higher this year. The one this tutoring after school to get my math grade up. I will also try and not get disturbed anymore by friends and class mates and pay for attention to the lesson so I could see what's going on. My second goal this year is to practice my volleyball skills so I could be really good and be ready for next year try outs since I was too late this year to try out .One thing I will do to achieve this goal is practice every weekend and I could still be active. I will practice more with my cousin since she's on the varsity team at her school and she'll help me out and make me a better player. Third goal is trying to not get an F or a D in my math class. I'll go to math tutoring Tuesdays and Thursdays to get more help. I'll try and practice my dividing since I'm not very good at it and need some practice on which helps because there is some dividing in math problems. Lastly, my last reason for this goal is to make sure to get as much help as possible and ask more questions.hat I will do to achieve this goal is not to be shy to ask for help. I'm willing to go to math tutoring on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Also, to make sure I get better on my dividing. Lastly, make sure to get as much help in class as possible and ask more questions.
My goels
In my freshman year I woul try to keep my gades up. would keep my grades up bye doing my homework and study every day and not play around. They are a lot of subject that I need to improve. I would enjoyed to weds to have all my credits to be successful in live. I am trying to successful to be prepare to be going to colleged. I want to my mom be proud with me to be his son. that's is how I want to reach my goals.
comparing the outsiders with my live
I compare the outsiders with my all day there are a fight with gang. I have cousins that are for a gang and last tiume he almost got shot. I don't really want to get involed with the gangs because I would like to be somebody important for our world. My parents always tell me if you gonna be getting introble in school you would be successful in live. I don't have problems with gangs but it wouldn't be great to have problems . that's all that need to say how I compare this with my live that end.
Goal #1. Lizette Valencia
My number 1 goal right now is to go back to Mexico to see the love of my life. I miss him a lot since I moved but I know he will wait for me just like me(: I will achieve this goal by never losing him. And being patient,I can wait. it will be wort it <3
Sunday, August 18, 2013
For English
Well there are many goals I have for myself like making him mine, and loosing weight, and looking pretty, but most of all making it through life everyday and promising myself to do my best to stay alive.
So one goal I have set for myself right now is to make it through high school, and I mean make it out alive, and to graduate and go to UC Riverside college. Offcourse I have many other goals but my main is to graduate from high school. I wanna make my family proud, and I will do this by studying, passing my classes, getting good grades, and believing in myself that I can make it.
( I really hope I become pretty some day and lose weight :) cause I really wanna make him mine) well thanks for your time.
For English Support
For the book The outsiders, nothing has been related to the book from my life style. I do not know someone in my life that has been related to this book. But my cousin has been in a gang before and told me that it was hard because he couldn't pass other territories, and had to stay within his boundries. At first I was shocked when he told me but as he started to talk about it , I became more and more interested with his stories. Also he told me that his gang and the other gangs weren't even aloud to even look at each other.(Imagine that!) Now I don't remember the name of his gang or I don't even think he told me but all I remember is that he was in one and it was pretty tragic dealing with all the drugs, and getting in trouble, or trying to stay out of trouble. I mean I couldn't of been able to gone through this. Well that's what my cousin angel told me. I know I didn't speak much about it but he really didn't say anything that was similar to the book.
My Goal ~Francisco Velazquez
I have many goals in life like going to a university, being an excellent student and an outstanding football player. One of my goals for this semester is to become an excellent student. Being an excellent student is more then just getting good grades to me. In order to be an excellent student you need to have a positive attitude towards your teachers and classmates, put all your effort into your assignments in order to get the highest score possible and attend school everyday. I plan an accomplishing this goal one step at a time. The first step I will take to accomplishing this goal is not getting distracted in class and giving my teacher my undivided attention. I will also complete all my class work and homework. Another step I will take to becoming an excellent student is trying to never be late or absent to class so I will not miss any assignments. I have set this goal and I plan on accomplishing it one step at a time.
My Goal (':
My goal in school is to not only get good grades, but to always attend school everyday. In my eighth-grade year I wouldn't show up to school and I missed a lot of important lessons. I would always make excuses to go to the nurse that way my mom would pick me up early from school. But at Sweetwater I am actually trying and paying attention and I love going to school. The only thing I don't like is the lack of sleep. lol. I'll be fine. I know and will achieve my goal.
Saturday, August 17, 2013
One of Rachelle's goals.
"You may never know what results come of your actions, but if you do nothing there will be no result"~Gandhi
To fulfill my goal which is losing weight, I have my own ways to achieve it which are: running in weekends, eating a healthy diet, and playing a sport. Initially, one of the solutions for losing weight is sweating so I try running in the park on weekends, I run so I could get faster when we run laps in P.E. too. Additionally, I want to reach my goal by eating a healthy diet which means avoiding food that are too sweet and fatty, eating less in the evening and consuming more fruits and vegetables, I also maintain my diet by eating brown rice and watching the amount of calories I'm eating. Furthermore, I do try to play sports like volleyball; I want to be active by learning more sports like basketball, soccer and golf. Finally, I do these things to be successful in reaching my goal.
My Short Term Goal ((:
My one goal for this semester is to keep my grades up. I can accomplish my goal by completing all my homework assignments and projects correctly. I can also reach my goal by paying more attention in class & taking good notes. Then I can also achieve my goal by studying 15 minutes every night to score high on quizzes & tests.
Friday, August 16, 2013
One Goal :)
My one goal that I have for this semester is, having good grades throughout these four years and don't slip to my bad habits again. One reason, that has kept me from being successful is not doing my homework for my classes. Second reason, that has kept me from being successful is not studying for tests or studying for a short quiz. Third reason, is I always daydreamed in class and didn't listen what the teacher said. My one goal for my future is become an actress, I have the experience since I almost became one on nickelodeon when I was little. I've heard from people I have a good voice to become a singer, but for now just focusing on being an actress. :)
Thursday, August 15, 2013
"Looking Back" survey
Ok so I ask my dad,Alfredo Valencia 4 questions about his high school one of the question was-what were two or three most important thing you learned in high school? And he said that the number one thing was disipline he just to go to the same school I went for 6 years back in Mexico "institute tlaquepaque" It was a monjas school ): yeah they hate us.question number 2 was -if you could travel back in time,what would you change? He ditch class a lot to go to the gym and to party's (that's how school works over there) and he drop out from high school.
Question 3- what teacher did you learned the most from? He mentioned
professor Coronado,his math teacher he said he was really good giving advices and he let them eat in class. He was my math teacher to,but I didn't like him becouse he slap me in the face be becouse I was sleeping in his class (: and lastly he said to stay in high school becouse those years are the best.
professor Coronado,his math teacher he said he was really good giving advices and he let them eat in class. He was my math teacher to,but I didn't like him becouse he slap me in the face be becouse I was sleeping in his class (: and lastly he said to stay in high school becouse those years are the best.
My one Goal
For my goal these next 5 and more years is to have my dream job. I always want to become a actor and perform on either TV or Broadway. But for now I must be able to graduate high school and go to a good performing arts college. I can achieve this goal by doing my homework every now and then and when I have free time, I can study for upcoming tests so I can get good grades. Also, I must take the courses I need to maintain my goal and go to my dream college. The last thing to do is to practice and learn the steps of my dream job in order to become a actor. If I don't become a actor then I need to take medical courses so I came become a doctor or a science teacher.
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Looking back Survey.
So I interview my mother for the ''Looking back Survey'', she said some things about the questions. First she said what she learned in high school was that good behavior and dedication will pay off because it will lead you to have a good paying job. Second, she said if she ever traveled back in time she would change about how shy she was in high school because it got in the way of her having fun and missing out on all the fun activities in high school. Third, she said that her favorite teacher and the one she learned the most from had to be her history teacher Mrs.Cox she said she made learning about history fun. Lastly, The advice my mom gave me to have a good high school experience was to leave the fun and socializing for lunch time and afterschool and really focuse on school, that it will pay off if you do good in school.
Interview (:
The Interview I made was on my mother . Her name is Yecenia Alvarado . The first question I asked her was what was the three or two most important you learned in high school ? How Did you learn from them ? Her responses were that she learned about her education , life & future & they were important because it showed her about how her future would be if she didn't learn or got an education .
If You could travel back in time , what you will you change in the school it's self to make your high school experience better ? She answered that if she would go back in high school times she would change by actually graduating from college getting a better education & a good job for her to maintain her family .
What teacher did you learn most from ? Why do you think you learned the most from him or her ? She choose world cultures because he tough her about the holo cost and then 1500 b.c
What advice would you give a student to help him / her to have a good high school experience ? Yecenia answer that to focus in school , to graduate & move foward .
Looking Back Survey
" Looking Back " Survey
I interviewed my cousin Frankie and the two most important things he learned in high school and why , communication because it helped him to interact with others , patience because in his profession it helped him deal with other people. If he could travel back in time he would change his academics , so he could be more dedicated to his school work and get into a better university. His teacher , the most he learned from was Ms. Coroni because she wasn't just a teacher to him she was like a companion, someone who you could talk to and feel comfortable about it. The advice Frankie, gives to a high school student ( me ) for a good high school experience is to study to receive greater things in life.
The End :)
The End :)
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
"Looking back" Survey
I interviewed my sister Bianca for this assignment called "Looking back" Survey and these are some answers she gave me. First, the most important things she learned while going to high school was that self confidence, responsibility, self discipline and apply to everything in your life can be very helpful in the future. The reasons why they were important are when you get a job you have to have those characteristics in order to make the person like you. Well my sister learned self confidence in ROTC the program encouraged her to get out of her comfort zone and also in her A.P classes, they helped too. Second, If she could travel back in time she would probably would've become more involved in extra cuiricular activities for example Asb, track and field, join a club where you can learn how to play guitar and maybe would've tried cheerleading. To make high school expierence better she would've challenge herself in her senior year because she stopped taking A.P classes do to the fact that she just wanted to have fun in her last year of school. Third, the teachers my sister learned from the most are her English teacher because she taught them what college would be like. Also, her ROTC instructor taugh her a lot because he was honest with her, caring, and dependable. Although her counselor was great because she pushed Bianca to her limits to see what she's capable of and also she paid for her exams. Fourth, the advice my sister would give to high school students for them to have a good expierence is that try to do as many extra cuiricular activities as possible, try your best in all of your classes so you can get A.P classes, keep in touch with teachers or assignments, try to stay as focus as possible in all of your classes and last try to built relationships with all of your teachers so they can get a very nice close look at you.
My looking back Survey: My Mom
For this survey I interview my mom, since she always gives my advice even before I went to high school. I asked her the first question, about the 2 or three things she learn in high school why there were important. She said always have time to study and do your homework because it can help you get good grades and a better education and never get distracted by other stuff other than school work.
For the second question, she told me that she would study more so she would of gone to a better college. The third question, my mom said her teachers from her electives because it taught her to be more advanced in high school and the outside world. The last question I told her, she told me that to always do your best and never hang out with the people who don't want to study or you'll get lazy yourself.
For the second question, she told me that she would study more so she would of gone to a better college. The third question, my mom said her teachers from her electives because it taught her to be more advanced in high school and the outside world. The last question I told her, she told me that to always do your best and never hang out with the people who don't want to study or you'll get lazy yourself.
One of the goals I've had since as long as I can remember is to graduate from high school with good grades and a scholarship. My plan to accomplish this goal is to get good grades by doing all my work and paying attention in class. I am also thinking of getting more involved next year because I dint do my physical for the sports. Also I want to meet new and smart people that will be good influence on me and will give some tips on how to get better.
Sunday, August 11, 2013
"Looking Back" Survey, Interviewing my Step Dad
I interviewed my step dad and these were his answers. He said that the things he learned in high school were to not cheat and to not bully people. He said that not cheating was important because in the long run, cheating won`t help you learn. He also said that it was very important to not bully people because all you are doing is creating problems. He learned that cheating won`t help in the future because you`ll never learned the material so you won`t understand it if you see it in the future. He said that he learned that bullying isn`t going to lead to a bright future. My step dad said that if he could go back in time and change something, he would change his attitude towards school and not commit the same mistakes like cheating, bullying, and not playing attention. My dad said that he learned the most from his teacher Mr. Mosley. He said that he learned the most from Mr.Mosley because he always had a positive attitude towards my dad and always believed in him. The advice my dad would give us high school students is to not make the same mistakes he did, treat people the way you want to be treated, and to pay attention when people are trying to teach you something.

Hello, my name is Erick Dominguez like to play sports and go to parties, I'm a person who likes to have fun and mess around. I am currently 14 years old and going to be 15 on March 8. My favorite sports are basketball and football, it helps me get things off my mind. I am playing for the National City Diablos (football). For basketball I'm playing for a team called the Devils. When I'm not playing sports or outside, I listen to music and I'm on Facebook. Music is my life, it relaxes me. My favorite music genres are: reggae and bachata. I live with both my parents and my little brother, i usually get along with my parents but have a difficult time getting along with my little brother. Well that's all i have to say so yea bye.
Interviewing my mom
I interviewed my mom about her high school experience. She said the two most important things she learned in high school was, to be responsible and always be yourself. These things were important because she always remain focus on school. If she could travel back in time she would've wanted to get straight A's to better her high school experience. My mom said that she learned the most from her high school teacher because she always inspired my mom. The advice she would give us high school students is, to put in effort and be responsible, never let anything distract you and focus on school.
Interviewing My Mom (:
This weekend, I interviewed my mom about her high school experiences. She said that the two most important things she learned in high school was to stay to her self and get good grades. These things were so important because there was no drama and she could focus on graduating from high school. If my mom could have traveled back in time, she would work on getting a Track and Field scholarship to make her high school experience better. The teacher that she learned the most from was Ms. Floyd, her English and PE teacher, because she would never let her give up and taught her that hard work & dedication pays off. The advice my mom would give to us high school students is to stay out of drama, do your home work, and study hard to get some where in life.
About My Sister-in-Law :)
-Many people say, that High School is the worst thing even if your a freshman. Well things have changed but, when you get advice from somebody who alredy went through High School you could follow their steps. My sister-in-law, Samira, helped me get through many challanges even when I needed help with a subject. Samira is a good personto me, who has teached me the most on learning to be creative, she answers many questions I have for her. Samira, told me that the two important things she learned about High School was Electricity, and that in class the teacher expected you to do the best and that they didn't have to tell you to do so. She said that if she could go back in time, she would leave it as it is, that she learned from the best which was the best mistakes, and teachers. One teacher she learned from th most, was a math teacher Mr.llamas because, he wasn't just a Math teacher he was also, was a friend and someone you could count on for any questions you had even if it was with any other subjects.The advice my Sister-in-Law gave me was to stay away from truble makers, and not to get in truble, to enjoy every single minute of High School!!!!!..
My Uncles Interview.
The most important things my uncle has learned in high school is be the best you can be. You have to be presentable. try to be the best you can be, because what you do in the four years of high school depend on your future. He learned them from his mistakes. He was making bad choices.
If he could travel back in time, he would change his way of thinking and he would of put more effort in school, he would of joined multiple clubs and join sports to make his high school years better.
The teacher he learned most from was his math teacher because he wasnt the best in mathematics, so he would stay after class and she would teach him tips and how to improve himself in his thinking abilities.
His advice to every student to help them to have a good experience in high school is to join and do many things in high school. to try your best and give it all you got. you wont regret it and have a really fun year.
Saturday, August 10, 2013
I interviewed my step-dad.
1. Two important things were: study habits, and to inner-act with groups within his class. They were important because study habits helped him to focus on his school work, and develop research attributes, and inner-acting with groups helped him refine his classwork load by interaction with other students. (How did he learn them?) By asking for help from teachers, and other student body members.
2. He would change his behavior, and his approach to high schools curriculum, and protocol.
3. The teacher he learned the most from, was Mr. Nick Kroska. He learned the moat from him because that was his English teacher, because he corrected the students grammar and made them speak more coherently.
4. Good advise he would give to a student for a better high school experience, would be " To learn the most you can from every subject you take, so you can further your educational endeavors.
1. Two important things were: study habits, and to inner-act with groups within his class. They were important because study habits helped him to focus on his school work, and develop research attributes, and inner-acting with groups helped him refine his classwork load by interaction with other students. (How did he learn them?) By asking for help from teachers, and other student body members.
2. He would change his behavior, and his approach to high schools curriculum, and protocol.
3. The teacher he learned the most from, was Mr. Nick Kroska. He learned the moat from him because that was his English teacher, because he corrected the students grammar and made them speak more coherently.
4. Good advise he would give to a student for a better high school experience, would be " To learn the most you can from every subject you take, so you can further your educational endeavors.
l o o k i n g b a c k
For The Looking Back Survey, I Have Interviewed My Mom,. My mom believes that everything in high school was important, But most of all she said math because math is everywhere and its not only important in school but in life. Another thing that is important in high school is paying attention in all classes, paying attention will get you a very good education because without education you have no living. One last thing that was important to my mom was time. Time was important to her because you can never get it back when its gone. Time is everything.
If my mom was able to travel back in time she would change her mentality About School and she would've took school more seriously.
Mr. Garcia Was one of the teachers that she learned from the most. He took the time to teach my mom step by step and comprehend math.
My moms advice to all of you is "Always ask questions. Don't be afraid to ask and take any and all opportunities possible."
If my mom was able to travel back in time she would change her mentality About School and she would've took school more seriously.
Mr. Garcia Was one of the teachers that she learned from the most. He took the time to teach my mom step by step and comprehend math.
My moms advice to all of you is "Always ask questions. Don't be afraid to ask and take any and all opportunities possible."
People say that you will never forget High School. It's the best experience and a huge part of your life. It's when you try to socialize, study, and have fun at the same time. It's when you first experience peer pressure and stress. It's when you get loved and hated for who you are, it's when you try to find real friends and search for your right path.
My mom can still remember the first time she walked in Nueva Ecija High School, she was frightened of almost everything, she's nervous,she didn't have friends to start with. But as time went by, she started having friends and joining pageants and winning them. Although she was being active at school, she admitted that she didn't have time to concentrate on her studies; she spent all of her high school years modelling on stage and answering questions from judges, and it's when she realized that she should've done better in academics.
We learn from our mistakes and experience and from my mom's experience in high school, she learned to socialize, be independent, accepting herself, and having an ambition. They're important to her because a person needs to communicate with almost everyone and be flexible, not to always depend on everyone, loving yourself for who you are and having a goal and exploring. If she could travel back in time, she would focus on her studies and she would be more confident about herself; she said she should've studied better and should've loved herself more. She also said her Values teacher inspired her; she learned how to have a good attitude and right conducts. She learned from her Values teacher the most because she was an influential teacher and taught her manners.
What she would advice to us students is that we should study hard and listen to our parents. She said we would be successful if we focus on our studies and be MORE successful if we follow our parents' words. We should also listen to our teachers, read our textbooks and take test more seriously.
My Brother's (Anthony) expirience in Highschool By Kelvyn
One of the most important things he learned was that you have to get involved in sports or in clubs in order to meet new people and that education is essential.
These things are important because life is hard without education and any friends.
He learned these thing because played soccer and he is pretty good at it so he met people who helped him get through high school.
Anthony says that if he could go back in time and change something he would no let bad people influence hi into doing bad things like ditching or not doing projects that he has been assigned.
Anthony says that he learned most from his counselor because she told him many things he could do to improve his grades and what to do to get chances to get scholarships.
The advice he would give a student was to get good grades so you can go to a university because after high school life is very different and challenging without a well paying job or a degree.
These things are important because life is hard without education and any friends.
He learned these thing because played soccer and he is pretty good at it so he met people who helped him get through high school.
Anthony says that if he could go back in time and change something he would no let bad people influence hi into doing bad things like ditching or not doing projects that he has been assigned.
Anthony says that he learned most from his counselor because she told him many things he could do to improve his grades and what to do to get chances to get scholarships.
The advice he would give a student was to get good grades so you can go to a university because after high school life is very different and challenging without a well paying job or a degree.
Friday, August 9, 2013
"Looking Back" Survey
If She Would Travel Back In Time What Would She Change In Her Own Behavior Or In School Itself To Make Her High School Better Ileana Said She Would Payed More Attention In Class & She Would Fool Around Less In Class.
I Asked Her What Teacher Did She Learn The Most From? & Why Does She Think She Learned The Most From Them & She Said She Wouldn't Know Who To Choose From Beacuse She Learned Alot From All Here Teachers She Had In The Past.
Last But Not Least What Advice Would She Give To Others Students So They Can Have A Good High School Experience She Said To Not Fool Around & To Alwayd Pay Attention & Listen When Teachers Tell Them Too.
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Jazmine Regalado *:
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Hi , well my name is Jazmine Regalado I am a shy person but i'm really social at times when I get to know you more I am 14 years old , I was born in San Diego, Logan Heights next to Chicano Park. And I think introducing my family is a good way to start. My father is a chef at Luna Grill at Otay Ranch my dad and his workers make some make some bomb food over there. Everyday my dad has problems at work, but either way he always knows how to face them, and he has a passion for soccer his favorite team is Chivas because obviously he is from Guadalajara. And my momma bear is hilarious when at serious times she is like my twin because we look alike, from what I heard everybody says I look like her which I doubt and what can I say about her shes my idol I look up to her because she's always inspired me to do well at school I haven't got the grades she expects from me but this year i'm gonna improve in my grades just for her and me going to college. My mom likes cooking a lot whenever my friends come over she is always telling them if they want to eat and of course their answer is '' no thank you I just came from eating '' either way 10 minutes later she walks up in my room and brings us food what can I say about her she always wants my friends and I looking healthy ! her favorite soccer team is Mexico, because she is from Acapulco at the age of 18 she came to live in the United States since my mom didn't have enough money to pay rent a lady named Aurelia my mom lived with her for about 2 - 3 months then after that my mom would have a job as a babysitter. Now about my 2 little brothers they get in my nerves everyday but either way I still love them. My life would be incomplete with out them, each day when they meet a new person they always have a compliment for them, they are over protected with me not even my parents, they always make my decisions for my own and my parents go along with it once you know them you'll love them but not more than me. Now about my 19 year old sister well she got a scholarship and now she is in college at San Diego City College in Downtown she has a passion for soccer just like my dad she plays soccer in college and their going to be traveling from place to place i'm going to miss her, and she even has a GPA of 3.5 and people may call her a nerd but she doesn't get offended over that because she always says at least she isn't an airhead and the metaphor for that is dumb. Therefore I explained my whole family now so i'm going to talk about me now, I am a fan of Prince Royce and Mana i'm all about bachata and 90's music and a little bit from the popular music from now days, a nickname i've always been called since 5th grade is chappis for no reason, well I love chocolate with all my guts especially Hershey almonds, I have a passion for singing and running I know people might say i'm really skinny but i'm just trying to be in shape, i'm not a normal person when you get to know me I am gonna be like an unknown species to you I will be hilarious once you get to know me but if you get on my bad side you won't like it because it isn't pretty, I need to learn on controlling my attitude towards others, my goal of the year is to be more sociable with my classmates and have good grades and I am shy in the beginning of school years but once I fit in with everyone I can be really social well right now in class i'm really but really quiet I don't like making teachers mad or disappointed in me because I just feel like if their going to hate me. And now as you've read all this you can tell that my family and I are fans of soccer. People might call me a paisa but it doesn't offend me because I love the way I am and i'm not going to let anyone change me but me. I'm not going to say I have the perfect life everyone seems to have, but I have happiness in mines and even thought finding it is hard we all deserve it '' We all deserve happiness. Sometimes it just takes a painful journey to help you find it, so that you can truly cherish and appreciate it. '' well now you know alittle bit about myself and my family thank you for taking your time on reading this bye.✌♥☺
Monday, August 5, 2013
Brianna Contreras :)))
This is Me. :))))
"We should all start to live before we get old. Fear is stupid so are regrets." - Marilyn Monroe
I don't know what to blog about lol but i guess i can tell you something about myself. I love reading books and drinking coffee.Yeah i know im too young but i love it. when i get a job i want my first job to be at a record store or a coffe shop or a bookstore that's one of the things Ive always wanted to do.
“Let’s unwrite these pages and replace them with our own words.” - Anonymous
I got four Best friends there names are alexis , angelica, zoraya and giselle, no matter what were there for each other no matter what happens between us. I got one brother and three sister's and a mom and a dad, they drive me a little insane but all ur family does. Im starting to love Highschool it's okay i guess, but the lunch lines are just so long ugh. The one person i trust with my life that will always be my partner in crime, is my cousin jaelynn, were alike in s many ways it's crazy were so close were even going to the one direction concert on Sunday :). I've had alot of ups and downs and i'm so happy that's she's always been there for me. I'm thinking about trying out for the Freshman's Volleyball team and i'm very excited. All my life Ive always been wanting to play, i would always watch some games on the T.V and now im finally stepping up and trying out.
“Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy.” - Cassie from Skins
What makes me happy is my friends,family, music and food. Music has changed my life in so many ways,when i'm sad,happy,excited or stressed some kind of music always turns my situation even better, and if you ask what music i like,Well i like all kinds of music but i guess i like indie and pop my favorites are Marina And the Diamonds , Lana Del Rey , Nirvanna , and Pink Floyd.
"I know all these will be stories someday. And our pictures will be become old photographs. But right now these moments are not stories.This is happening..This one moment when you know ur not a sad story. you are alive!" - Perks of Being a Wallflower
Well this is pretty much me,not that much but everything i could think of right now. I Talked about my family friends and pretty much everything i love. I'm also finally on joining volleyball and it's very exciting.This is me and all the stuff i am,love and do.
The End.
"We should all start to live before we get old. Fear is stupid so are regrets." - Marilyn Monroe
I don't know what to blog about lol but i guess i can tell you something about myself. I love reading books and drinking coffee.Yeah i know im too young but i love it. when i get a job i want my first job to be at a record store or a coffe shop or a bookstore that's one of the things Ive always wanted to do.
“Let’s unwrite these pages and replace them with our own words.” - Anonymous
I got four Best friends there names are alexis , angelica, zoraya and giselle, no matter what were there for each other no matter what happens between us. I got one brother and three sister's and a mom and a dad, they drive me a little insane but all ur family does. Im starting to love Highschool it's okay i guess, but the lunch lines are just so long ugh. The one person i trust with my life that will always be my partner in crime, is my cousin jaelynn, were alike in s many ways it's crazy were so close were even going to the one direction concert on Sunday :). I've had alot of ups and downs and i'm so happy that's she's always been there for me. I'm thinking about trying out for the Freshman's Volleyball team and i'm very excited. All my life Ive always been wanting to play, i would always watch some games on the T.V and now im finally stepping up and trying out.
“Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy.” - Cassie from Skins
What makes me happy is my friends,family, music and food. Music has changed my life in so many ways,when i'm sad,happy,excited or stressed some kind of music always turns my situation even better, and if you ask what music i like,Well i like all kinds of music but i guess i like indie and pop my favorites are Marina And the Diamonds , Lana Del Rey , Nirvanna , and Pink Floyd.
"I know all these will be stories someday. And our pictures will be become old photographs. But right now these moments are not stories.This is happening..This one moment when you know ur not a sad story. you are alive!" - Perks of Being a Wallflower
Well this is pretty much me,not that much but everything i could think of right now. I Talked about my family friends and pretty much everything i love. I'm also finally on joining volleyball and it's very exciting.This is me and all the stuff i am,love and do.
The End.
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Francisco Velazquez
Hello, my name is Francisco Velazquez. I am 14 years old. I am a student athlete at Sweetwater High School. I am the middle child of three children. I have two brothers, one is 16 and the other is 9. I live with my mom and my step dad.
I have many interest. Some of my hobbies are going to parties and having fun with my friends. I also enjoy listening to music. Some of the artist I like are Tyga, Yg, Sage the Gemini, Drake, Meek Mill, French Montana, Lil Wayne, etc. My main interest and hobby is playing football. I`ve been playing football since I was in first grade. I first played football for Lincoln Acres elementary school. I currently play football for the National City Diablos. When I play football I feel like nothing else matters and all the drama and worries goes away. I am a very determined, hard working person. I strive to accomplish my goals and won't quite until I have succeeded. I put all my effort into everything I do and try very hard to do well in school. I don`t have a favorite subject although I do enjoy certain subjects more then others. I hope to one day go to a university and playing collage football. Then after that, going to the N.F.L and graduating a university with a degree. I have high expectations for myself and I plan on accomplishing my goals and meeting those expectations.
Hello my name is Andrew Perez well I like to play soccer and play football for fun on the weekends. Also I have one brother and two sisters their all cool to hang out with they have humor and their helpful. I like to watch a bunch of movies also play video games.
Hey my name is Jasmine Lopez-Graciano and I'm a freshmen at Sweetwater High School , and yes I'm Mexican. I might not say that I'm normal but somehow I believed that I'm sort of weird , well I'm not so weird when I barely get to know someone but once I really get to know somebody I'll get used to that person and I'll start talking to that person. I'm a very nice person and I like helping people a lot.
Although I believe I should start talking about my family first well I live with my sister a dog and a cute cat , my sister is been taking care of me for about three years now. My sister means the whole world to me , she taught me that everything in life is possible and honestly I look up to her a lot I hope to be like her when I grow up. Well I haven't really talked about my mom and dad and the reason why I haven't said a word about them is because my mom passed away five years ago , she meant the whole world to me and she still does even though she's not watching me grow up in person and to be honest it really hurts but I believe she's still watching over me and my sister. She was wonderful women even though I didn't really know my mom that well but I believe she was more than that. Anyways , now is dads turn well he's always been there for me since I was born and honestly I don't think I could ever ask for more because that shows that he is a true man and take responsibilities for what he made. He also means the world to me because well he's my dad and I love him and even though I don't get to see him everyday my love for him is very powerful. Whenever we go see him I notice that he always gets happy once we arrive and honestly I prefer to see him smile then see him depressed because I know that mom's dead really impacted him but what matter now is that he's happy and healthy. But although I'm happy living with my sister because she's practically a mom to me she had done everything to keep us together and alive. She already finished college and I'm very proud of her because she went to college even though she was taking care of me and that takes a lot of responsibilities and I'm very very proud of her.
I like a lot of different kind of bands and most people think I'm weird because I like rock music , but me and my friends are obsessed with bands we honestly don't care what people say about us. Well anyways one of my favorite bands are Pierce the veil and Sleeping with Sirens , I like them because for a moment I feel like I'm ignoring the whole world and just focusing on the lyrics. Music is a very powerful thing in my life because well I feel like I can express myself to anybody whenever I'm listening to music I'm not very sure if that made sence but for me music is my life. Also , I like Of mice & men , Mayday Parade , Artist vs. Poet , Falling in Reverse , Panic at the disco! , Paramore , The cab , Woe it's me , As blood runs thick , Toxic Holocaust , Forever the sickest kids , A day to remember , Blessthefall , For all those sleeping , Miss may I , The devil wears Prada , I set my Friends on fire , I see stars and etc.
Well my friends mean a lot to me especially because they've always been there for me no matter how silly things sound they're always there for me and I'm always going to be there for them. However we don't really know if we're going to be friends for ever but I'm hoping that we will, they've help me a lot because I've lost friends before either because they moved or I was making stupid decisions and choosing the wrong people over true friends and I honestly realized that the friends I'm with right now I really want them to be my friends forever. I don't think I want to lose more friends because of my stupid decisions although I'm a very shy person so sometimes I wonder how do I make friends , most people don't really know my name because I'm that shy girl in the classroom that doesn't talk and listens to the teacher talk but somehow I need to step out of my shell and start talking more during class and outside of class. Anyways I love food especially junk food or anything that looks good, for example like candy and pancakes they're my favorite type of food. I don't have more stuff to say so bye(:
I like a lot of different kind of bands and most people think I'm weird because I like rock music , but me and my friends are obsessed with bands we honestly don't care what people say about us. Well anyways one of my favorite bands are Pierce the veil and Sleeping with Sirens , I like them because for a moment I feel like I'm ignoring the whole world and just focusing on the lyrics. Music is a very powerful thing in my life because well I feel like I can express myself to anybody whenever I'm listening to music I'm not very sure if that made sence but for me music is my life. Also , I like Of mice & men , Mayday Parade , Artist vs. Poet , Falling in Reverse , Panic at the disco! , Paramore , The cab , Woe it's me , As blood runs thick , Toxic Holocaust , Forever the sickest kids , A day to remember , Blessthefall , For all those sleeping , Miss may I , The devil wears Prada , I set my Friends on fire , I see stars and etc.
Well my friends mean a lot to me especially because they've always been there for me no matter how silly things sound they're always there for me and I'm always going to be there for them. However we don't really know if we're going to be friends for ever but I'm hoping that we will, they've help me a lot because I've lost friends before either because they moved or I was making stupid decisions and choosing the wrong people over true friends and I honestly realized that the friends I'm with right now I really want them to be my friends forever. I don't think I want to lose more friends because of my stupid decisions although I'm a very shy person so sometimes I wonder how do I make friends , most people don't really know my name because I'm that shy girl in the classroom that doesn't talk and listens to the teacher talk but somehow I need to step out of my shell and start talking more during class and outside of class. Anyways I love food especially junk food or anything that looks good, for example like candy and pancakes they're my favorite type of food. I don't have more stuff to say so bye(:
Saturday, August 3, 2013
About Karina Sainz (:
Hey, my full name is Karina Stephanie Sainz. I'm currently 14 going on 15 in November (: . I was born in San Diego. I like to spend time with my friends and have fun. Anyways, I am very friendly so if you need someone to talk to or a shoulder to cry on i'll be there even if I dont know you cx , I like to meet new people. My favorite sport is soccer (: . I like any type of music cx . I like going to the beach. Well I love food o; ♥ . My favorite colors are blue and red. I have two sisters , I like spending time with my family usually the Sundays because we go to different places (: . I like to take pictures , I'm taking professional photography classes and it's fun ♥ .I like to dance. I'm starting to like high school , all my classes are easy and fun . I like to learn new things everyday (: . If you see me at school say hi i'll say hi back (: . I'm a good student , I'm always trying to get good grades and to focus more in class . I live in National City . Next year my parents are planning on moving to Eastlake /: .
Hey, my full name is Karina Stephanie Sainz. I'm currently 14 going on 15 in November (: . I was born in San Diego. I like to spend time with my friends and have fun. Anyways, I am very friendly so if you need someone to talk to or a shoulder to cry on i'll be there even if I dont know you cx , I like to meet new people. My favorite sport is soccer (: . I like any type of music cx . I like going to the beach. Well I love food o; ♥ . My favorite colors are blue and red. I have two sisters , I like spending time with my family usually the Sundays because we go to different places (: . I like to take pictures , I'm taking professional photography classes and it's fun ♥ .I like to dance. I'm starting to like high school , all my classes are easy and fun . I like to learn new things everyday (: . If you see me at school say hi i'll say hi back (: . I'm a good student , I'm always trying to get good grades and to focus more in class . I live in National City . Next year my parents are planning on moving to Eastlake /: .
Well thats pretty much it. ((;✌
Friday, August 2, 2013
Hola soy lizette :*
my name is lizette, I have 14 years and I like tacos (: I come from Guadalajara, jal I have eight months in the United States so my English is not very good. I love making thousands of friends and I like to leave my house, not matter where you need to go but I like being on the streets! (you can tell I am Mexican)
About Julio ^0^
hi .-.
my name is julio of course xD I like math o.o i don't know why ? i'm in ROTC so i had to shave off my hair. i dont care though ^~^ what i do in my free time most of the time i like to play call of duty black ops on ps3 :'D Add me if you like " dinomite1206 ". Im 14 years old xD
my mother makes me do lots of stuff around the house. -.-
i do well in school and i have really good classes. my teachers are great and after high school ill like to go to the university of long beach and graduate from there. ill like to become a law enforcement police officer and support my family and even start a family of my own. well thats all i have to say. :'D Deuces....
my mother makes me do lots of stuff around the house. -.-
i do well in school and i have really good classes. my teachers are great and after high school ill like to go to the university of long beach and graduate from there. ill like to become a law enforcement police officer and support my family and even start a family of my own. well thats all i have to say. :'D Deuces....
Kelvyn Medellin
Hey, my name is Kelvyn Medellini like to play soccer with my friends and my cousins in Tj in the streets.
After we are done playing we like to go eat tacos in the corner of where my grandmothers house.
I love to eat if i could eat the 24 hours of the day.
I like to play soccer with my friends and family.
I wouldn't say I am a normal person but I guess everybody is different in the own way.
Many people think that I am dumb or stupid but I would say that I am pretty smart kid.
Also many people think that I am American or white but I am actually Mexican and I like to talk spanish more than English because i just feel more confident speaking in my first language.
In the weekends I like to go to my grandparents house where all my of family goes.
The adults, my mom, aunt, grandmother, and one of my big cousins, talk in the kitchen while they make food, me and my cousin play videogames in my grandmothers room, and the little kids play in the living room, at night when the adults have made the food we all go to the kitchen and eat.
I like to go to six flags and other theme parks with my aunts and cousins.
I like to at Robertos taco shop and order a california burrito or carne asada fries.
Also i like to play videogames add me in xbox live if u want my gamer tag is fREShhh06 :D.
I like to listen to corridos and other music wich i donnt remember what its called.
When i graduate from highschool i would like to go to a university and graduate specializing on i dont know to support my family and one day i would like to stat a family of my own.
I have wonderful mother , a brother who is 22 yrs. old, and two dogs, kika and daisy, i had another one her name was whitey but i call her gorda but she died last year when she got sick.
Thats all i have to say about me so Bye ;D.
About Khalila Johnson (:
Hi, my full name is Khalila Regine Johnson. My friends call me "Lila," "Lei Lei," or "Wiz Khalila," xD but I mostly go by Khalila. (: I'm currently 13 years old, going on 14 in November.
For about 7 years, I was an only child with both of my parents, but now with only my dad I have younger siblings. My sister Jocelyn & my brother Joshua, they're twins. ;3 I rarely get to see them because they live in Texas. /: but when I do see them, I try my best to spend as much time as I can with them. Even though sometimes they get on my last nerve! But that's what siblings are for right? (':
When I was in 6th grade, I fell in love with basketball & cheer. Currently, I'm not on any teams but this year I plan on playing basketball. Then for my sophomore year I plan on trying out for cheer. ^-^
One person that I look up to the most is my mom. She's a single mother & she raised me all by her self. She currently works full ordinary work hours & then every Friday night she goes to school to get her Bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice. Also even though we aren't best friends anymore, I look up to my old best friend too. He would always tell me when I'm doing wrong & he would always help me with my problems. Even if we aren't best friends anymore, I consider him my one & only true best friend I ever had.
On my free time, I like to just lay down & listening to music especially when I'm having a bad day. ;3 I like a little bit of everything. I like reggae, r&b, rap, etc. {: Usually though, I listen to like Ciara, Beyonce, Sage the Gemini, Chris Brown, etc. My favorite class is history because I learn something different everyday. :b Some of my favorite foods are California Rolls, Pizza, Chinese Food, Canoles, Takis, etc.
Well I can go on forever saying my favorite foods, but overall I just love food. xD <3 My favorite colors are teal & red. ;3 Well that's a little about me, bye! ((: <3
For about 7 years, I was an only child with both of my parents, but now with only my dad I have younger siblings. My sister Jocelyn & my brother Joshua, they're twins. ;3 I rarely get to see them because they live in Texas. /: but when I do see them, I try my best to spend as much time as I can with them. Even though sometimes they get on my last nerve! But that's what siblings are for right? (':
When I was in 6th grade, I fell in love with basketball & cheer. Currently, I'm not on any teams but this year I plan on playing basketball. Then for my sophomore year I plan on trying out for cheer. ^-^
One person that I look up to the most is my mom. She's a single mother & she raised me all by her self. She currently works full ordinary work hours & then every Friday night she goes to school to get her Bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice. Also even though we aren't best friends anymore, I look up to my old best friend too. He would always tell me when I'm doing wrong & he would always help me with my problems. Even if we aren't best friends anymore, I consider him my one & only true best friend I ever had.
On my free time, I like to just lay down & listening to music especially when I'm having a bad day. ;3 I like a little bit of everything. I like reggae, r&b, rap, etc. {: Usually though, I listen to like Ciara, Beyonce, Sage the Gemini, Chris Brown, etc. My favorite class is history because I learn something different everyday. :b Some of my favorite foods are California Rolls, Pizza, Chinese Food, Canoles, Takis, etc.
Well I can go on forever saying my favorite foods, but overall I just love food. xD <3 My favorite colors are teal & red. ;3 Well that's a little about me, bye! ((: <3
Rey-chel not Ru-shell

So WELCOME! I guess. If you're wondering who I am, sit back 'cause I'm gonna tell you basic informations about me.
My mom named me Rachelle, Rachelle Nisperos (Rey-chel), but teachers call me Ru-shell XP. I was born on October 08,1998 and right now, I am fourteen. My mom's name is Cherry Escano and my dad is Julius Escano, yeah we have different last names but I'm not adopted. Lol . Don't even think about it. I'm not gonna explain how my last name is different from my mom's and dad's, I think it's too personal; hey, I have the right not to tell everything right? They should make an amendment like "Don't tell too personal infos about you" XD. Anyways, I have an annoying brother who is one year younger than me, he gets on my nerves 'cause he shows-off a lot!But I miss him 'cause he's in the Philippines and he won't be coming here for two to three months. In addition, I promoted from National City Middle (yay! Kingsmen!) and I am a freshman here at Sweetwater Union High School. I actually did pretty good when I was in middle school so I believe I'll do great here at SUHI.
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Me when I was in second grade |
I was born and grew in the Philippines and when I turned thirteen, my dad petitioned me and my mom; so I do know Filipino and I speak it more than English. And Basically, It's my first year here and I'm still trying to learn new things about this country like who George Washington was and what happened between wars (I didn't know these things back then).
For my favorite food, I LOVE ice cream, vanilla flavor; it's my comfort food. I'm really glad that ice cream was invented; I really like eating ice cream, I just don't overeat cause I might get diabetes. Lol. I like Bluish White and Red for my favorite color, I find Bluish White relaxing and when I see Red, I feel powerful. In school, my favorite subjects are Math, World History, Science and English; well basically everything EXCEPT PE, I don't like PE. Although it's not a real class, I still don't like PE; I like running though, just not the mile. I am really fond of pets, I love dogs. They are really sweet and loving but for now, I don't have any pets because our landlady won't let us have one and my parents say that they can be a hassle.
For my favorite food, I LOVE ice cream, vanilla flavor; it's my comfort food. I'm really glad that ice cream was invented; I really like eating ice cream, I just don't overeat cause I might get diabetes. Lol. I like Bluish White and Red for my favorite color, I find Bluish White relaxing and when I see Red, I feel powerful. In school, my favorite subjects are Math, World History, Science and English; well basically everything EXCEPT PE, I don't like PE. Although it's not a real class, I still don't like PE; I like running though, just not the mile. I am really fond of pets, I love dogs. They are really sweet and loving but for now, I don't have any pets because our landlady won't let us have one and my parents say that they can be a hassle.
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Yeah, I drew this one |
When I have nothing to do, I just sing although I don't really have a nice voice, I play guitar and try to learn new songs in guitar, or I just read. Did I mention that I like reading? If not, then let me tell you this: I'm one of the people who enjoys reading for their free time. I love reading fiction books which means I like reading books that are far from reality and won't happen in real life, yeah, I like those things; they make my imagination work. Sometimes, you need things that can make your brain be creative. People actually recommend me to read Hunger Games; they say it's a fantastic book and if that is so, I'll include it in my "To Read List". But as much as I like reading informational books like Facts about insects, animals, peoples brain etc., It's also my delight to read teen magazines and guides like Candy (a Filipino teen magazine).
As a whole person, yes I am quiet, but there are times that you can't just make me stop from talking especially when I'm explaining something in Filipino; I love playing guitar, I love music (especially Filipino music), arts, sports like volleyball and badminton. I'm patient but I have a limit of course, I like reading and I like to be in quiet places at times like the library. Sometimes, I want to be alone, other times, I feel like socializing. I like balancing things and debates too. I am also a friendly person, I greet people, but when I'm not in the mood like if I woke up on the wrong side of bed or if I'm frustrated, I ignore people and I do't really talk to them. In addition, I'm a fan of Niall Horan and Louis Tomlinson of One Direction.
So I think this is it; I think I've written enough about myself.Thanks for reading..!
One more thing, try talking to me, maybe we could be friends. (; Okay bye for now!
Sayonara! Arigato! Salamat!Gracias! Xie xie! Thankyouu.. :p
As a whole person, yes I am quiet, but there are times that you can't just make me stop from talking especially when I'm explaining something in Filipino; I love playing guitar, I love music (especially Filipino music), arts, sports like volleyball and badminton. I'm patient but I have a limit of course, I like reading and I like to be in quiet places at times like the library. Sometimes, I want to be alone, other times, I feel like socializing. I like balancing things and debates too. I am also a friendly person, I greet people, but when I'm not in the mood like if I woke up on the wrong side of bed or if I'm frustrated, I ignore people and I do't really talk to them. In addition, I'm a fan of Niall Horan and Louis Tomlinson of One Direction.
So I think this is it; I think I've written enough about myself.Thanks for reading..!
One more thing, try talking to me, maybe we could be friends. (; Okay bye for now!
Sayonara! Arigato! Salamat!Gracias! Xie xie! Thankyouu.. :p
Paola's Blog
Hi My Name Is Paola. I Am 14 Years Old I Was Born On May 7 1999, At The Paradise Valley Hospital at 8:06 p.m. I Am Shy At First But Onces You Get To Know Me I Am Weird & Out Going.
I Am A Freshman. I Am A Student At Sweetwater High School. School Has Been Okay, I Like All My Classes. I Am A Very Shy Girl. I Am Very Quiet When It Comes To Talking To Other People I Dont Know. My Favorite Subject In School Is Math I Dont Know Why But Since I Was A Little Girl I Remember That I Always Use To Like Math. When I Grow Up I Want To Be... Well Right Now I Dont Know What I Would Like To Be. But Forsure I Want To Me Someone In Life. I Just Really Need To Focus In School Right Now & Later On In Life I Will Know What I Would Like To Do In Life. I Am This After School Program Called Colorguard. I Like To Practice Colorguard When I Am At Home Beacuse Practice Makes Perfect.
I Am A Twin. I Am The 4th Out Of 5 Kids. I Love My Family But Sometimes They Get On My Nerves & Get Annoying But I Still Love Them To Death. I Have 2 Brothers & 2 Sisters. I Live With My Mom, My 2 Brothers & 2 Sisters & My Grandpa. I LOVE LOVE Dogs So I Have Two Dogs They Are Both Girls & Their Names Are Delilah & Daisy <3. I Love Playing With My Dogs.
I Love Food. I Love Chips & Candy. Any Kind Of Chips I Would Eat Them Lol. When It Comes To Eating The Candy I Am Very Picky. I Love Listening To Music. I Like All Types Of Music. Except Country Music Lol. I Like This Band Called The Wanted I Like Their Songs :) Sometimes I Am Lazy. When Its Comes To Cleaning My House I Am Really Lazy & I Dont Like To Clean Soo What I Do Is Clean The Part Of My House That Is Less Dirty So I Wont Have To Clean Alot. Lol I Hate HATE Washing The Dishes. I Know Mostly Everybody Hate Washing Dishes.
My Favorite Color Purple. In My Free Time I Use It To Go On Facebook & Watch T.V. I Like To Watch Novelas Thats All I Watch. I Often Watch Cartoons But I Most Of The Time I Watch Novelas & Sometimes I Like To Watch Movies. I Like Scary Movies But I Just Dont Like Watching Them At Night. Well Yeah Thats All About Me :)(;
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