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Sunday, October 27, 2013
Narrative Elements
In "The Raven" By Edgar Allen Poe, repetition is the device that plays a larger role. He uses it when he says, "Nevermore." It plays a larger role because when the raven kept repeating "Nevermore" it made him realize that Lenore is never coming back.
In "The incident in the Rose Garden" By Edgar Allen Poe, irony is the device that plays a larger role. He uses it when he says, "Sir, I knew your father, And we were friends at the end." It plays a larger role because death is explaining that he knew his father, which means he took him & now he was going after him.
In "The incident in the Rose Garden" By Edgar Allen Poe, irony is the device that plays a larger role. He uses it when he says, "Sir, I knew your father, And we were friends at the end." It plays a larger role because death is explaining that he knew his father, which means he took him & now he was going after him.
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Device that plays a large role
In "The Raven", by Edgar Allan Poe, Internal Conflict is the device that plays a larger role. He uses it when he says, "From my books surcease of sorrow-sorrow for the lost Lenore." It plays a large role because it makes the poem more entertaining and scary.
In "The Incident in the Rose Garden", by Donald Justice, Imagery is the device that plays a larger role. He uses it when he says," Death grinned, and his eyes lit up Woth the pale glow of those lanterns That workmen carry sometimes To light their way through the dusk. It plays a large role because it adds details to the poem to make it interesting.
In "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe, alliteration is the device that plays a larger role. He uses it when he says,"And the silken,sad, uncertain rusling of each purple curtain thrillen me- filled me with fantastic terrors never felt before;" It plays a large role because its trying to make the story more interesting.
In the "Incident in a Rose Graden" by Edgar Allan Poe, irony is the device that plays a larger role. He ises it when he says,"Sir i knew your father and we were friends at the end" its plays a large role becuase he uses sarcasm cause he is the one who killed his father.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
In "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe, internal conflict is the device that play a larger role. He uses it when he says, " The bird said ' Nevermore'." It play a large role because he has problems going through Lenore's death and the bird represents his conscience.
In "The incident in the Rose Garden" By Edgar Allen Poe, irony is the device that plays a larger role. He uses it when he says, " There he stood dressed like a Spanish waiter". it plays a larger role because it entertains people.
In "The incident in the Rose Garden" By Edgar Allen Poe, irony is the device that plays a larger role. He uses it when he says, " There he stood dressed like a Spanish waiter". it plays a larger role because it entertains people.
In "The Raven" By Edgar Poe, internal conflict is the device that plays a larger role. He uses it when he says, "for the rare and radiant maiden Lenore..."it plays a larger role because he asks the raven about Lenore...
In " The Incident in the Rose Garden" By Donald Justice, Irony is the device that plays a larger role. He uses it when he says," Dressed like a Spanish waiter." It plays a larger role because, it gives it meaning and a little humor in the poem.
In " The Incident in the Rose Garden" By Donald Justice, Irony is the device that plays a larger role. He uses it when he says," Dressed like a Spanish waiter." It plays a larger role because, it gives it meaning and a little humor in the poem.
Narrative Elements In poems
In "The Raven" By Edgar Poe, alliteration is the device that plays a larger role. He uses it when he says, " Siken sad, uncertain rustling of each purple curtain." It plays a large role because without alliteration it wouldn't have any meaning into the poem and it also makes it scary.
In " The Incident in the Rose Garden" By Edgar Allan Poe, Irony is the device that plays a larger role. He uses it when he says," Dressed like a Spanish waiter." It plays a larger role because, it gives it meaning and a little humor in the poem.
In " The Incident in the Rose Garden" By Edgar Allan Poe, Irony is the device that plays a larger role. He uses it when he says," Dressed like a Spanish waiter." It plays a larger role because, it gives it meaning and a little humor in the poem.
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Raven poem :)
One interesting thing I found about the raven poem , is how the bird / raven kept saying "never more" like why would he keep saying that? I doesn't explain but I found that interesting because that's all it said and that's what made the man even crazier.
Bully ad
This image says that if someone knows or sees that someone else is being bullied and They are not doing anything about it to help the bullying stop, then they're a bully as well for not speaking up. If anyone ever witnessed bullying they have to tell an adult as soon as possible because if the bullying continues, Kids are going to end up thinking that bullying is an okay thing to do. Bullying is not okay and people need to do more about it. Bullying will eventually lead to depression, suicidal thoughts and a lot of physical and mental illness. Stop ignoring the kids who really need the help and stop the bullying!
That is it!
Any posts entered after this will receive no credit. Great job to those who posted on time!!!
ms A
ms A
"The Raven" Edgar Allen Poe
1) The Raven represents a supernatural being-devil.
2) Edgar Allen Poe married his cousin, who was 13 at the time, Virginia.
3) He used a raven to represent what he was writing because the raven is a common symbol of death in literature.
4) "Like a number of Poe's poems such as "Ulalume" and "Annabel Lee," "The Raven" refers to an agonized protagonist's memories of a deceased woman. Through poetry, Lenore's premature death is implicitly made aesthetic, and the narrator is unable to free himself of his reliance upon her memory. He asks the raven if there is "balm in Gilead" and therefore spiritual salvation, or if Lenore truly exists in the afterlife, but the raven confirms his worst suspicions by rejecting his supplications. The fear of death or of oblivion informs much of Poe's writing, and "The Raven" is one of his bleakest publications because it provides such a definitively negative answer. By contrast, when Poe uses the name Lenore in a similar situation in the poem "Lenore," the protagonistGuy de Vere concludes that he need not cry in his mourning because he is confident that he will meet Lenore in heaven.
2) Edgar Allen Poe married his cousin, who was 13 at the time, Virginia.
3) He used a raven to represent what he was writing because the raven is a common symbol of death in literature.
4) "Like a number of Poe's poems such as "Ulalume" and "Annabel Lee," "The Raven" refers to an agonized protagonist's memories of a deceased woman. Through poetry, Lenore's premature death is implicitly made aesthetic, and the narrator is unable to free himself of his reliance upon her memory. He asks the raven if there is "balm in Gilead" and therefore spiritual salvation, or if Lenore truly exists in the afterlife, but the raven confirms his worst suspicions by rejecting his supplications. The fear of death or of oblivion informs much of Poe's writing, and "The Raven" is one of his bleakest publications because it provides such a definitively negative answer. By contrast, when Poe uses the name Lenore in a similar situation in the poem "Lenore," the protagonistGuy de Vere concludes that he need not cry in his mourning because he is confident that he will meet Lenore in heaven.
Poe's choice of a raven as the bearer of ill news is appropriate for a number of reasons. Originally, Poe sought only a dumb beast that was capable of producing human-like sounds without understanding the words' meaning, and he claimed that earlier conceptions of "The Raven" included the use of a parrot. In this sense, the raven is important because it allows the narrator to be both the deliverer and interpreter of the sinister message, without the existence of a blatantly supernatural intervention. At the same time, the raven's black feather have traditionally been considered a magical sign of ill omen, and Poe may also be referring to Norse mythology, where the god Odin had two ravens named Hugin and Munin, which respectively meant "thought" and "memory." The narrator is a student and thus follows Hugin, but Munin continually interrupts his thoughts and in this case takes a physical form by landing on the bust of Pallas, which alludes to Athena, the Greek goddess of learning."
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Why the raven?
When we watched the poem "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe, I asked myself, "Why did he use the raven in his poem? Among all of the birds that he could've chosen, why did he choose the raven? And so to find out, I looked it up and I found this information:
Poe's choice of a raven as the bearer of ill news is appropriate for a number of reasons. Originally, Poe sought only a dumb beast that was capable of producing human-like sounds without understanding the words' meaning, and he claimed that earlier conceptions of "The Raven" included the use of a parrot. In this sense, the raven is important because it allows the narrator to be both the deliverer and interpreter of the sinister message, without the existence of a blatantly supernatural intervention. At the same time, the raven's black feather have traditionally been considered a magical sign of ill omen, and Poe may also be referring to Norse mythology, where the god Odin had two ravens named Hugin and Munin, which respectively meant "thought" and "memory." The narrator is a student and thus follows Hugin, but Munin continually interrupts his thoughts and in this case takes a physical form by landing on the bust of Pallas, which alludes to Athena, the Greek goddess of learning.
The Raven
Then this ebony bird beguiling my sad fancy into smiling, By the grave and stern decorum of the countenance it wore, `Though thy crest be shorn and shaven, thou,' I said, `art sure no craven. Ghastly grim and ancient raven wandering from the nightly shore - Tell me what thy lordly name is on the Night's Plutonian shore!' Quoth the raven, `Nevermore. when the speaker says "night's plutonian shore" i thought he was talking about the planet pulto... but it reallys mean a roman god of the dead |
"The Raven" by Allen Poe
In the poem, the raven, by Allen Poe talks about a man who is haunted by a raven. But not very many people know the real reason of the poem. During Poe's time, a lot of his love ones in the past die by Tuberculosis. It haunted him like how it in the poem the raven haunted the man. He tried to forget about it at sometimes like the character trying to forget who was at the door. many people say behind the story was the loss of his younger wife, who was also his cousin. It wasn't true, because the time he publish The Raven he started to realize she had Tuberculosis. Back in the day many people were scare of the story of it. Today, it's not, but if you read it closely or find hints, you can know how scary it is. For example, the setting and how the poem is tell. In the setting, he quoted "Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary," it says that it's in midnight and in other parts it says its in December and dark. This shows that with the setting of how it's dark and midnight it makes it scary.
Friday, October 18, 2013
Don't forget to cite your sources!!!
If you are copying and pasting, make sure you put the content in quotation marks. Also, cut and paste the URL of the website you used!
On another note, if the fact you want to post is already posted by another student, you cannot post it. Also, if I discussed a fact in class, you cannot post it either.
Francisco Velazquez ~The Raven~
Interesting Facts About Edgar Allan Poe :
1) no one knows why he died. He left for Baltimore on September the 26th, with a weak pulse and a fever, according to his fiance. He visited his friend as he left town, accidentally taking his friend's walking stick, something that he would never do normally (he took pride in his appearance). He was discovered on a Baltimore street, wearing someone else's clothes, on October the third. Someone sent for a doctor Poe was acquainted with. The doctor took him to his clinic, where he spoke deliriously for a few days. He woke from his delirium on October the seventh long enough to say "Lord help my poor soul," and then he died.Over 20 theories regarding his death exist. One of the most accepted theories was that some henchmen were hired by a politician to drug passerby and force them to vote for said politician. Poe was found on election day, and this was not so uncommon. They would used the drugged men to vote repeatedly, which may explain his clothing. A more recent theory is that he died of a brain tumor. And, of course, there is the possibility that he contracted rabies.
2) His madness and drunkenness are largely exaggerations: they are a product of a man named Rufus Griswold who wrote an anonymous, false, and scathing obituary for Poe. He also published a false biography of him. Griswold was upset because of a negative review Poe wrote about one of his works years earlier. Extremely vengeful, he seemed determined to make sure the world falsely thought of Poe as an evil man.
3) Poe played games on the lawn with his wife. She was much younger than he, and there are stories of them playing leapfrog. One account says during a game of leapfrog, he split his pants, and blushed furiously. His young wife could not stop giggling.
4) He loved the fame "The Raven" brought him. The Raven actually became his nickname, and there are stories of children walking behind him on the street and flapping there arms and cawing. Poe would play along by turning suddenly and saying "Nevermore." The children would scream and run away, and he'd chuckle a bit. Then the children would return and repeat the process.
5) He never in his life signed anything "Edgar Allan Poe." The name Allan came from the family who took him in, and he didn't get along very well with his foster father. He therefore signed documents Edgar A. Poe, or E. A. Poe. The name Edgar Allan Poe was given to him after he died by Griswold (see number 4).
6) He was never officially adopted by the Allan family.
7) He loved his foster mother, but he and his foster father never got along. One reason why that may have been is that when Mr. Allan was unfaithful to his wife. Poe was fiercely loyal to Mrs. Allan, who was dying of tuberculosis. It is rumored that John Allan would have affairs with women in the same house where Mrs. Allan lay dying. Poe called him out on this, and they never saw eye to eye after that. Poe threatened to reveal Allan's secret, but never did for fear of ruining Mrs. Allan's name.
8) He was poor all of his life. His foster father was a rich man, but upon his death he left Poe nothing, though he left money to many of his illegitimate children. He had long stopped supporting Poe financially
1) no one knows why he died. He left for Baltimore on September the 26th, with a weak pulse and a fever, according to his fiance. He visited his friend as he left town, accidentally taking his friend's walking stick, something that he would never do normally (he took pride in his appearance). He was discovered on a Baltimore street, wearing someone else's clothes, on October the third. Someone sent for a doctor Poe was acquainted with. The doctor took him to his clinic, where he spoke deliriously for a few days. He woke from his delirium on October the seventh long enough to say "Lord help my poor soul," and then he died.Over 20 theories regarding his death exist. One of the most accepted theories was that some henchmen were hired by a politician to drug passerby and force them to vote for said politician. Poe was found on election day, and this was not so uncommon. They would used the drugged men to vote repeatedly, which may explain his clothing. A more recent theory is that he died of a brain tumor. And, of course, there is the possibility that he contracted rabies.
2) His madness and drunkenness are largely exaggerations: they are a product of a man named Rufus Griswold who wrote an anonymous, false, and scathing obituary for Poe. He also published a false biography of him. Griswold was upset because of a negative review Poe wrote about one of his works years earlier. Extremely vengeful, he seemed determined to make sure the world falsely thought of Poe as an evil man.
3) Poe played games on the lawn with his wife. She was much younger than he, and there are stories of them playing leapfrog. One account says during a game of leapfrog, he split his pants, and blushed furiously. His young wife could not stop giggling.
4) He loved the fame "The Raven" brought him. The Raven actually became his nickname, and there are stories of children walking behind him on the street and flapping there arms and cawing. Poe would play along by turning suddenly and saying "Nevermore." The children would scream and run away, and he'd chuckle a bit. Then the children would return and repeat the process.
5) He never in his life signed anything "Edgar Allan Poe." The name Allan came from the family who took him in, and he didn't get along very well with his foster father. He therefore signed documents Edgar A. Poe, or E. A. Poe. The name Edgar Allan Poe was given to him after he died by Griswold (see number 4).
6) He was never officially adopted by the Allan family.
7) He loved his foster mother, but he and his foster father never got along. One reason why that may have been is that when Mr. Allan was unfaithful to his wife. Poe was fiercely loyal to Mrs. Allan, who was dying of tuberculosis. It is rumored that John Allan would have affairs with women in the same house where Mrs. Allan lay dying. Poe called him out on this, and they never saw eye to eye after that. Poe threatened to reveal Allan's secret, but never did for fear of ruining Mrs. Allan's name.
8) He was poor all of his life. His foster father was a rich man, but upon his death he left Poe nothing, though he left money to many of his illegitimate children. He had long stopped supporting Poe financially
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
STOP BULLYING!!!!!!!! :3

bullying is bad
This picture shows a bigger kid bullying a smaller kid and its not allowed.
It shows a Power Imbalance
Bullying Ad ; Leslie Aceves
The one who is being bullied , cuts themselves because they've been called " fat , pizza face , loser , fatso , stupid . " She/he feels depressed and can't think of another way to handle their situation , so they decide to cut themselves . Other reasons why they cut themselves is because of family problems , school problems , or feeling depressed of something else . Once a bully starts and once they start cutting they never stop until the bully stops . 

Bullying Ad Blog c:
In this bullying ad I'm going to talk about those kids who get bullied all over the world they suffer a lot. These kids get sad and upset they cant life a normal life with bullying their life's get complicated every day. The laws don't do nothing about it neither parents some one has to speak up about this kid suicide. We the people have to do something if not this is going keep on going without no stop and the bullying population is going to go up.
Monday, October 14, 2013
Bully Advertisement
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Bully ad
This image is a ad about what the meaning of the word bully is to the people who made this ad. It shows what bullying is and what bullies are. According to this picture, bully means big, ugly, loner, losers, yearning attention. Telling that people who bully just want attention and some what losers and not pretty.
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Bullying Ad
bullying can make people bad about them self, they can make then have a low self-esteem, feel depressed & worthless, and they may cause them to think about suicide. they can think of a lot aways about suicide like taking lots of pills, hanging them self, cutting them self so we should stop bullying and make everyone feel better about them self :)

Effects of bullying
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
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