Tuesday, May 24, 2016

separate and unequal

  • blacks always saw white kids having better education living styles and wish they were them
  • better education for different cultures 
  • people trying to keep the school on track and a better environment for the kids
  • the school is failing the children because they are not getting education they deserve
  • kids not being able to go to the schools they want to go to

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

                                                   Un Cilival Rights 

  •  the blacks gave some repetition in the community was key to why they created this organization
  •  two former's of the organization said they had to make a change they started a a group called the black panthers they wore black leather jackets to be recognized
they created their own against white 

The fred hampton story
  • he was a American activist that wanted to be treated the same as the other american citizens
  • he was born and raised in illnios he had family issues but still continued to stay happy and he always wanted to be a leader and was always the top of his class 
  • he was in the black panthers 
he wanted to be a lawyer but became an activist instead he become a youth leader NAACP and the black panthers

Huey Newton
  • he was the left wing founder of black panther for self defense 
  • he was a social activist he also went to prison once 
he was killed by Tyrone Robinson in 1991

the american indian movement 

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Notes UCLA:

//The Cold War//:
The Red Scare is a rise of communism in the United States as this was the worse possible outcome America could know as the U.S is a outright Capitalist and Communism would destroy our society as we know it.This relates to the cold war as we were currently fighting the Russians from expanding across the globe.McCarthyism is accusing people of wrongdoings without having any evidence to back it up evidenced by Senator McCarthy.McCarthyism Stoked the fires of war as it led us to the point of Brinkmanship. 
Joseph McCarthy was the senator of Wisconsin who looked for ways to maintain his political success. he took advantage of the fact that people were scared on the fact of communists-soviets were working in the government and used propaganda to get his way. He had a list of people he was ocusing of being spies. Later is what found that there was no evidence of his statements. With that came McCarthyism, the act of blaming others with no evidence of being associated with a certain group. McCarthy was later stopped and his position was taken.
//The Red Scare//: The red scare was the belief of the US that soviets were working in the government as soviet spies posing threat to US security. It was a series of political and economic classes between the two main powers, USSR and US, that took place from 1939 to 1945. 

George Town: 
The U-2 Spy Incident was between the USSR and the U.S. In May 1960 the Soviets shot down an American U-2 spy plane in Soviet air space. Pilot Francis Powers was captured  and president Dwight D. Eisenhower  had to admit to the Soviets that the CIA had been launching spy missions over the USSR for many years. Which led to the conviction of Powers, with espionage charges and was sentenced 10 years in prison. Fortunately he only served 2 years and was released in exchange for a captured Soviet agent. And was known as the first "spy swap." 

The Nuclear Test ban Treaty: 
The Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty is an agreement signed in Moscow on August 5, 1963 by the representatives of the Soviet Union (represented by Andrei Gromyko), Great Britain (represented by Alec Douglas-Home), and the United States (represented by Dean Rusk). The treaty banned the testing of nuclear weapons in outer space, underwater, and in the atmosphere. This was was seen as an important first step toward nuclear weapon control. President John F. Kennedy signed the document less than three months before 

his assassination.

relates to the cold war:
Both sides were on the brink of an atomic war, which just meant more devastation for the world, but they both had similar amounts of bombs, so they didn’t want to destroy everything. They both fought to be the most dominant, but they would be equal in war. This just created more tension for each country, so no war actually happened

why did it occur during the cold war: Since nuclear weapons were the newest technology, it was used to prevent elimination of the Soviets and the US and also to control nuclear weapons during the time being.This eventually lead to no testing at all for the safety of their ‘test areas’ and other lands to keep life. The Cold war had more tension with the nuclear weapons, so it had to be suppressed
The Bay of Pigs invasion:
The Bay of Pigs was the U.S attempt to invade Cuba using Cuban CIA agents but had failed. All this had happened between April 17, 1961 – April 19, 1961. The Bay of Pigs invasion was a surprise attack planned by the CIA and John F. Kennedy to establish provisional government in Cuba. They wanted to completely remove Fidel Castro from his government and a non-communists government friendly to the United States. This plan was authorized by Eisenhower and that’s when the CIA set up training camps in Guatemala right outside of southern Mexico. Later that year by November the CIA had a small army of 1.4k men to go make a guerilla warfare. The army was led by Jose Miro Cordoba which was a former member of Castro’s government. His goal was to take over the provisional presidency. Through the Cuban Intelligence Fidel Castro had found out of the invasion on October of 1960/ Later in February of 1961 that’s when President Kennedy approved to launch the invasion plan.

The Warsaw Pact was a response to West Germany joining NATO, that came into being in May 1955. The pact gave the Soviet Union an equal stance with the United States as the leader of an alliance of independent nations supporting its foreign policy initiatives internationally.  
-Provided for a unified military command and for the maintenance of Soviet military units on the territories of the other participating states. 
-Remained intact until 1991
-The majority of the actions performed by the Warsaw Pact were run by the Political Consultative Committee and the Unified Command of Pact Armed forces. 
-Provided for a unified military command and for the maintenance of Soviet military units on the territories of the other states. 

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

  1. What perspective is the author giving?
    Holocaust survivors. historians 
  2. Is the author a reliable source?
    yes, because survivors discussed their personal experience during this time. they are primary sources.  
  3. Did the author use evidence to support their claims/arguments about the topic?
    yes, because they gave us statistics about people who died; events, visuals, pictures and videos of the event.
  4. Was the information given in the text logical/reasonable? yes, because it discusses important historical events during WW1
  5. Why do you think the author wrote the way they did? Gave info about the atrocities of the Holocaust. Learning slowly about how to prevent past mistakes.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Causes of World War

- treaty of Versailles, unfair to Germany 
-Great depression caused the world wide suffering especially in Europe 
-failure of appeasement bullies take advantage of weak democracies 
-government controls all aspect of society:
public and private two main types:

right wing dictator ship that emphasizes the nation over the individual; allows private property and capitalism
Nazism:facism with extreme racism added 


muleft wing dictatorship with no private property; everything is owned by the collective 

                  totaliration leaders during ww2 

Hilter, germany
tojo, japan 
communist:stalin, USSR


hitlers goals:
-wanted all jewish people gone
- thought war was good for jewish people

Goals for japan:
-gain access to natural causes resources
-gain access to cheap labor 
-remove western powers 


Thursday, January 14, 2016

Name: Group Name: Questions for FDR’s ‘Quarantine the Aggressors’ speech Look at the title of the speech: Which countries/people is FDR speaking about when he refers to the aggressors? (Think about what you learned in World History and what we’ve discussed previously.) - he refers to the people who are the attackers or the aggressors. Look at paragraphs three and four: How does FDR describe the current state of the world? Pull at least three phrases out of his speech he uses to support his views. -invasion of alien territory on violation of treaties -nations claiming freedom for themselves deny it to others. Look at paragraph six: According to FDR, how should nations best use their resources? What is happening in the 1930’s worldwide that makes rebuilding necessary? - instead of focusing on the war people should focus on rebuilding the economy Look at paragraphs seven and eight: Explain how FDR uses a medical analogy to describe the spread of violence during the 1930’s. - FDR is saying war should be stopped. Look over the entire speech: Summarize FDR’s purpose for giving this speech. Include at least two quotes from the speech that supports your opinion of the purpose. - to avoid involvement in war