Monday, March 3, 2014

blog due 3/9

Blog due on Sunday 3/9
“Juliet’s Ballad” (corrido).
1. Create a song title.
2. Write a quick verse that tells the tale of Juliet from beginning to end.
3. use act three vocabulary words in your song (at least 5).
(The following questions you should think about, while writing. DO NOT ANSWER!)
3. What idea will you emphasize? Personality and choices, family pressure, passionate love, passionate hate, fate, free will?
4. What is the significance of the title?


  1. title : "First Love"
    topic : Passionate Love

    Even though Juliet is only thirteen she fell in love with an Unruly boy that was already eighteen, Juliet was always Confined by love she didn't want so she took a bottle that was Vile out of Outrage, she thought it solved the predicament, but Mangled their love really badly, now Romeo and Juliet are both dead everyone is dealing with such a horrible Calamity.
