Thursday, April 24, 2014

Facts on Amish

Due on Friday 4/25

-Please find at least 5 facts about Amish people.
-If a fact is already posted by your classmates, it will not count.
-Make sure you copy and paste the URL of the site you used for your information.
-comment on this post to write your response.



  1. 1.They have like inserence for the stores it call amish aid
    2.there are veryh old school
    3.when the amish men have beards they are married
    4.You can't call the police it considerd a sin
    5.there ride buggies a skooters

  2. 1.The Amish believe in the separation of church and state.
    2. Pennsylvania Amish speak dialect German.
    3. The Amish movement was found in Europe by Jacob Amman.
    4. Almost all Amish were born and raised in the faith.
    5. The Amish are pacifists and tradition dictates that they abstain from any acts of violence.

  3. 1. The Amish are a group of traditionalist Christian church fellowships, closely related to but distinct from Mennonite churches, with whom they share Swiss Anabaptist origins.

    2. The Amish are known for simple living, plain dress, and reluctance to adopt many conveniences of modern technology.

    3. Members who do not conform to their community expectations and who cannot be convinced to repent are excommunicated and shunned.

    4. The Amish are among the fastest-growing populations in the world, with an average of seven children per family.

    5. They reject use of preventive genetic tests prior to marriage and genetic testing of unborn children to discover genetic disorders.


    1. They don't use any technology that was made after the 18th century
    2. Their belief is Protestant Christians or known as Anabaptists
    3. They are settle by farming
    4. They speak a mostly German, and English is spoken with outsiders
    5. Their life style is rule by a set of laws call Ordnung

  5. 1. Public electric and utility lines are forbidden. They used gas to power their stuff such as lights, stove, and homes.
    2. Amish can't own a car but being a passenger is okay because it doesn't disrupt the Amish culture . They use horses or buggy as transportation.
    3. They speak a dialect of German
    4. Men can grow a bread after he get married. Also wear a dark color suit
    5. Women wear modest, solid-colored dresses but can't wear jewelry or printed fabrics

  6. 1. How did the Amish religion begin?
    The Amish people are direct descendants of the Anabaptists of sixteenth century Europe. Anabaptism is a religion that came about during the reformation era. The term Anabaptist first started out as a nickname that meant re-baptizer, because this group rejected the idea of infant baptism, since an infant doesn’t yet have the knowledge of good and evil. The Anabaptists were seen as a threat to Europe’s religious and social institutions and were therefore persecuted. The Amish religion is actually a branch of the Swiss Mennonites. The group received its name from its founder, Jacob Amman. In the Netherlands an influential leader of the Anabaptists was Menno Simons. He became such an advocate for Anabaptism that many Anabaptists came to be known as Mennonites. The Amish division came about as a result of particular reforms Amman wanted to make that turned into disagreements with other Mennonite leaders. As a result, a new religious division known as the “Amish” was formed under the leadership of Jacob Amman.
    2.Can anyone join the Amish faith?
    Anyone can join the Amish faith if they’re willing to give up their modern way of life and adhere to the rules of the Amish Church. However, it’s a difficult transition, with many changes to be made, including learning the traditional Pennsylvania Dutch language of the Amish, changing to the simple way of dressing and living, and giving up most of the modern conveniences we Englishers are used to having.
    3. What draws you to the Amish way of life?
    Their simple lifestyle, and the fact that they put God first, and then family, is what makes the Amish people so special to me. I also appreciate their example of putting their emphasis on people and not things. When I’m with our Amish friends I see their family closeness, and my desire to be closer to my own family grows stronger. When I’m visiting our Amish friends I feel calm, relaxed, and closer to God.
    4. What draws you to the Amish way of life?
    Their simple lifestyle, and the fact that they put God first, and then family, is what makes the Amish people so special to me. I also appreciate their example of putting their emphasis on people and not things. When I’m with our Amish friends I see their family closeness, and my desire to be closer to my own family grows stronger. When I’m visiting our Amish friends I feel calm, relaxed, and closer to God.
    5. Why do the Amish reject so many things in
    the modern world?
    Following principles found in Romans 12:2 and II Corinthians 6:14, the Amish are taught that they are to be separated from the desires and goals of the modern world. They believe that to be separate from the world is to be different from the world. They also believe that the use of many modern things in our world would tear their family unit apart, and take their focus away from God.

  7. - Amish communities sprang up in Switzerland, Alsace, Germany, Russia and Holland, but there are no Amish remaining in Europe today.

    - Many emigrated to North America in the 19th and 20th centuries and those who stayed behind gradually assimilated with Mennonite groups.

    -Amish religious beliefs are virtually the same as that of the Mennonites and other religious reformers.

    - They believe in the importance of individual Bible study and the necessity of living a life free of sin after adult baptism.

    -Amish children attend one-room schools run by the community and they attend school only through the eighth grade

    Info.. @

  8. 1:They believe that an individual should be baptized on his own will instead of being baptized during infancy. Due to this reason Amish children are allowed to live a life outside the Amish faith,
    2:Amish people attach a lot of importance to family. This is one of the reasons that men do not go out to work. They work on their farms while the women do all household work.
    3:Amish people that may contradict their strong belief in education, is that formal education is allowed only through eighth grade after which they are trained in work as expected of their gender in the community.
    4:True to their belief of simplicity and humility they dress very simply. Dresses are of dark colors and the fabric is spun at home. Men wear straight-cut suits and coats without collars or lapels. Pants do not have any crease or cuffs. They are worn using suspenders. Belts, ties and gloves are forbidden. Women are not allowed to wear ornaments or make-up. They never cut their hair and wear them in a bun or a braid that is hidden under a black bonnet or a white cap. They wear long sleeved dress with a full length skirt which is covered with a cape and an apron. Men are clean shaven. However, after marriage they are not allowed to cut their beard. Mustaches are forbidden.

    5:they largely avoid the use of technology as they see it as a means of breaking family life and creating competition among members of the community.

  9. Amish people don't pay taxes and they don't have technology and they use wagons to go places and they work hard they were the same clothing because there not allowed to wear outside clothing and there living like the old day.

  10. 1.Amish church membership begins with baptism, usually between the ages of 16 and 25.
    2. The Amish have a group of Swiss and Alsatian Anabaptist
    3. The Amish church is a groups seek to maintain a degree of separation from the no-Amish
    4. The Amish and Mennonites immigrated to Pennsylvania for a variety of reasons.
    5. In 2008 study suggest their numbers have increased to 227,000,

  11. 1.There church districts average between 20 and 40 families.
    2.Members who do not conform to these community expectations and who cannot be convinced to repent are excommunicated.
    3.Amish lifestyle is dictated by the Ordnung.
    4.Amish cuisine is noted for its simplicity and traditional qualities.
    5.Members usually get baptized no earlier than 18 and children are not counted in local congregation numbers, it is difficult to put an exact figure on the number of Amish.

  12. amish people do not pay taxes.they dont wear the type of cloths that we do.amish people grow there own food and crops. the girls where all coverd up.amish girls all have teir hair in a bun.and guys most of the time have hats. david hernandez

  13. 1.The Amish Mennonite movement descend from the 16th century fellowship known as the Swiss Brethren 2.The original major split that resulted in the loss of identity. 3.The last Amish congregation to merge as the ixheim Amish congregation. 4. The Amish do educate their children when they past the eight grade 5.There were approximately 241,00 Amish adherents and not solely old older.
