Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Jasmine's Goals(:

My goal for this high school year is going to be working hard and completing my work. Although, I also need some practice so I'm going to review my notes or work that I don't really get. I want to become successful and be someone in life like my sister. I want to be able to be known as that smart girl that did all her work and understood things. If it helps I could stay after school to get the extra help. My second goal for this year is to be a little bit more confident with myself and stop getting intimated by people so much, I don't like the fact that no matter where I'm at people don't seem to know my name and one of the reasons is because I'm always been the quiet girl that never asks questions during class or sits and listens to the teacher talk. Yes, it could be very nice at times but whenever I don't get something I just stay quiet and try to figure it out by myself and that's not good. Ever since I was little I've been shy and that's why I want to change I want to become confident at least for once. I'm just tired of being invisible but somehow it's my fault too because I don't interact with other people. I believe I should start talking to more people because that's going to get me to step out of my bubble. So those are my goals for this year and hopefully forever.

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