Saturday, August 17, 2013

One of Rachelle's goals.

"You may never know what results come of your actions, but if you do nothing there will be no result"~Gandhi

Research shows that only three percent of the population set goals and objectives, and I'm part of that three percent. I set goals so I know what I need to do and when it is due; I set both short term and long term goals for myself. An example of my goal is to lose weight because I'm a little overweight and I want to pass my BMI test.
To fulfill my goal which is losing weight, I have my own ways to achieve it which are: running in weekends, eating a healthy diet, and playing a sport. Initially, one of the solutions for losing weight is sweating so I try running in the park on weekends, I run so I could get faster when we run laps in P.E. too. Additionally, I want to reach my goal by eating a healthy diet which means avoiding food that are too sweet and fatty, eating less in the evening and consuming more fruits and vegetables, I also maintain my diet by eating brown rice and watching the amount of calories I'm eating. Furthermore, I do try to play sports like volleyball; I want to be active by learning more sports like basketball, soccer and golf. Finally, I do these things to be successful in reaching my goal.

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